Thursday, May 8, 2014

Baxter & Bailey

I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. My mind has been exploding with ideas and designs and down-right awesome awesomeness! However, all of that has stumped me a little bit. I started Meet Me in Gramercy when I moved to Gramercy -- makes sense. But as I sit here in my little seemingly empty apartment with bare walls and boxes piled high in the corner, it feels a little wrong to be 'Meet Me in Gramercy'. Do I become 'Meet Me in Rittenhouse Square (just for the summer)'... no, that's silly. So what to do!?

Let me add another dynamic to the mix. For awhile I have been doing freelance handlettering/modern calligraphy and graphic design work. Ever since I designed a single issue of a fashion magazine for my senior project in high school, I have sorta been in love with design. Any sort of design. Graphic, typography, yadda, yadda, yadda. However, I've never had a name to put to my work. So, I decided it was time. Time for me to have a name! Calling myself 'Molly Silsby -- Handlettering and Graphic Design' lacked a certain personality that I was looking for. So I thought, and I thought, and I thought some more. I thought about all the things that I truly, truly love in this world. The places I find the most inspiration. The people (and furry creatures) I hold closest to my heart. I also thought about how I would want to be perceived in the public eye. With all these things in mind I opened a brand new blank document, a clean slate, in InDesign and began playing around with fonts, words, and arrangements of the two. This is how Baxter & Bailey came to be. The moment I typed them out and added my absolute favorite character, the beautifully curvaceous ampersand, I fell in love. Baxter & Bailey. It was perfect.

So now that I had my business name all settled, I built it its very own website where all of my designs could live happily. But what to do about my blog? I love blogging. I don't want to give it up just because a silly identity has stumped me. I thought, I thought, I thought again (lots of thinking I've been doing!), I realized the thing that was originally bothering me about having a freelance business and no name was that I was not one single identity. If I thought of another blog name and had Baxter & Bailey as my business I'd be right back to where I started -- an identity crisis. 

So, ultimately I have decided to morph the two together. As much as Meet Me in Gramercy has been my little baby for the past few months, it is time to become one. I want my work, my writings, my pictures to all be one big happy family -- and one big happy family they will be as Baxter & Bailey! 

With that being said, I will most likely not be posting to this blog any more. I don't really want to undo everything that's been done. Meet Me in Gramercy will always be Meet Me in Gramercy. Instead, I will be posting to a new blog space that is connected with my actual website, I will still post to my different social media accounts just as I have been for Meet Me in Gramercy, so you'll never miss a post! Sound good? I think so too!

-- xoxo
Friday, May 2, 2014

Packing, packing, packing

Hi! Remember me? Yeah... sorry, if I told you I've been incredibly busy the past few weeks would you believe me? Let me fill you in, then you can decide if you do or not. 

First things first. I'm moving. Temporarily, but at the same time permanently. I've been meaning to share my cozy little studio apartment that's nestled in the Gramercy neighborhood of Manhattan with you for some time. It's sorta been my baby. I have spent countless dollars, countless minutes hours days weeks A YEAR to make it feel like home. If I do say so myself, I think I succeeded. Of course, my work is never done. As soon as I find the perfect piece to complete one side of the apartment, I have already grown tired with the other. It's a constant flipping flopping back and forth. But that's what I love. 

However, what I don't love is packing up every. single. thing. into a box (or going on 10+ boxes?). Oh my goodness, talk about a lot of work! What I also don't love is that I wasn't able to share it with you first. I could show you all the boxes, but you'd only think to yourself, "Wow, Molly must have a lot of crap." But it's not! Those boxes are filled with pieces that each hold a different story. I spent time carefully choosing the right prints, posters, and photos for the gallery walls. I spent time finding the perfect unique bookends for my shelves, and I searched the East Coast (literally!) for the perfect desk chair, only to finally find it at a vintage flea market in Charlotte, North Carolina (that was fun getting that home!) The point is, my home makes me happy. It may not be the actual physical space, since that will come and go -- sometimes in the blink of an eye, but it's most definitely the meaning behind the things you surround yourself with and most certainly the people you surround yourself with that make a house a home. 

That was the long winded way of saying, I haven't blogged because I've been packing. That was easier.

Second, it's the end of the semester! As much as that means beautiful weather, wanting to spend more time outside (and less in the classroom), and finally getting to dine at cute little outdoor cafes -- it most depressingly means finals. One of the major differences between my year at Penn State and my two years at FIT is how 'finals' are viewed. Penn State finals were straight up tests. Tests that you had to study DAYSSSSSSSSSSS for. No exaggeration. Here at FIT, I have one test -- but 62.53 million projects. Even though projects are so much more interesting (and actually fun to do!), they sometimes take WEEEEKSSSSSSS. So, that's been going on too. 

I snapped these photos on my way to Home Depot to get more boxes and bubble wrap (boo!)
It was the most perfect and Mad. Sq. Park was hopping!

All in all, in the next few weeks I'm going to be moving out of NYC, back to my parents' house (only for a week!), and then it's on to Philadelphia for the summer (YAY)! I can't wait to share all of my adventures, moves, and experiences with you! So stay tuned.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Spring Snapshots

Can we just talk for a second about how beautiful the city is in Spring? Literally all the trees have exploded with the prettiest flowers and bright green shoots. The sky yesterday was also the most perfectly perfect blue. Everything literally popped against it! 

Spring is such an awesome reminder of new life, the promise of being reborn, hope, and the pure beauty of nature. Back home in PA things are still looking a little dead, so it is awesome to come here where the trees, flowers, and plants are a little ahead of the game. That makes the lifelessness back home seem a little less blah since the promise of its new life is foreshadowed in the liveliness of NYC!

I snapped these shots on the way to school yesterday. Sometimes I am extremely humbled as I walk the streets of NYC and think about how I am living in NYC. I casually pass the Empire State Building every. single. day. Some people have only ever seen it in pictures! As much as I can complain about the city and its 'not-so-nice-ness', it really is a pretty fantastic place. It's important to try and find contentment wherever you may be. One of the saddest, most waring things a person can do to themselves is to always long for some place they aren't. It's a day-by-day process to learn to be content, but this Spring I am really trying to find all the reasons I love where I am, when I am.

And let's all be real... no blog post would be complete without a picture of Baxter! 

-- xoxo

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Silsby kids -- Easter circa. 1998 -- Matching dresses, matching dolls, and a fresh bowl cut ;)

Happy Easter! Today was such a beautiful, sunny, joyful Easter day. The Silsby household was lucky enough to be four fifths present, I'm sorry... that's incorrect. The Silsby household was lucky enough to be five sixths present (it was Baxter's first Easter, can't forget the baby in the family count)! We missed Andrew terribly, but got to FaceTime with him and his adorable girlfriend, Lauren, today so it felt whole for a few minutes. 

This morning we went to the 8 AM church service. Listening to Pastor Anna is a breath of fresh air. Her message today, the day on which our Christ rose from the dead (!), was not only one of joy and celebration and pure happiness, but also a reminder that was comforting to hear. Easter is always a cheerful day. After all, the resurrection is a story that will always be one of hope and love. But just two days before in Jesus' time, grief -- overwhelmingly heavy grief -- filled the hearts of Jesus' followers. It consumed them, it weighed them down, it whispered in their ear that that was it -- Jesus was gone and they had much to fear. We too as Christians feel saddened on Good Friday and Holy Saturday. We know that thousands of years ago, Jesus died. That is heartbreaking. However, we, unlike the Disciples and those who loved Jesus, know that come Easter Sunday morning we will be able to rejoice because our Lord will rise from the dead for us, for our salvation -- committing the ultimate act of love. But what Pastor Anna called us to remember is that the Disciples had no idea Jesus' light that would shine just two days after what seemed like their darkest hour. And so, we too should remember that in our darkest times, our scary points of life where we think to ourselves that we better settle in on rock bottom because there's no hope -- there is a light right around the corner. Jesus died for that. He died for you and for me and for our salvation. A chance to be wiped clean of our foolish human sins and eventually someday live eternally with Him. Now that is a joyful thing! 

After church, we headed down to the shores of the lake to snap a few family photos. It was super sunny, a little windy, and we had some technically challenged photographers *cough, Dad, cough*. Therefore, the photo shoot could've gone a little smoother but hey! it worked out just fine. Once home, Mom made delicious mini Dutch-baby pancakes. They were so good with fresh fruit piled high!

Speaking of piling high, after breakfast we piled the car high with suitcases, food, and somehow us (Baxter included!) to head to my grandparents' house for Easter dinner. Then it was back to NYC for Em and me. Spring Break is over, school is tomorrow, and finals are around the corner. Ugh. But today was a good way to tie up Spring Break with a pretty little ribbon and charge on to the end of the semester!

How adorable are my parents? They too have a love so pure that I hope one day I can be an example for my children as they are to me. I could not be more blessed than I am. 

I hope you all had a happy, happy Easter with the ones you love! 
-- xoxo
Friday, April 18, 2014

Portland, Maine | NH Part Two

Portland, Maine -- you are absolutely adorable! And thanks for having the perfect weather, for a perfect day, for a perfectly imperfect couple! 

Justin and I ventured to Portland, Maine on Monday. The weather was sunny, with a little breeze coming off the water -- just enough for a light sweater and jacket but all the sunshine for pretty, bright photos! 

We started off the afternoon with a delicious lunch right on the water at Boone's Fish House & Oyster Room. Then we explored the brick and cobblestone streets, pretty shops, and may have even bought one or two things! Oh, and we bier garden, wine bar, and restaurant-hopped. That's the best way to do it, try out a little bit of everything the city has to offer! There was so much more we wanted to explore, but ran out of time -- so don't you worry, Portland, we will be back!

This picture cracks me up. Most of the pictures of us I have on my phone look something like this!

Thanks to my best friend, Jackie, I now have an obsession with Alex and Ani. Justin treated me to two new additions!
Boston Red Sox & an Apple Blossom. Thanks J!

Alex and Ani is to me, as 'stouts and porters' are to Justin. Every restaurant or bar is greeted with Justin saying,
"What do you have for stouts and porters?" Beer. Freak. 

This picture is how two people who are lactose intolerant eat ice cream. We made the poor but oh so delicious decision to get some ice cream on the way to the car.  I don't know why we ever think it will be a good idea. Oy!

On the way to Portland we passed a super cool antique shop. Since J and I love the treasure hunt, we stopped in and found these super cool green-hued doors. I wish I could have taken them all home with me!

All in all a fantastic day! Thanks Portland for a good time!

-- xoxo
Thursday, April 17, 2014

Moody Maine | NH Part One

It's Spring Break! Fit snug in between cuddle sessions with little baby Bax in PA, I snuck away for a few days to New Hampshire to go see my other favorite four-legged boy and his two-legged daddy (also a favorite boy of mine). 

I'm breaking my pictures into a few posts since there are so many and I don't want anything to be missed! Plus, each day we went somewhere and did something completely different than the next, so respective posts are a must. 

Not exactly in order, I wanted to start with my York Beach pictures. Tuesday Justin had off from work so we decided to take a drive to the coast and check out the beaches. Niz goes nuts and loves to run down the open stretches of sand, so we all piled in the car, picked up a picnic lunch on the way, and unfortunately a few rain drops too. Luckily none of us had anyone to impress so what's a little frizzy hair and streaky mascara (that might have been only me... oh well)!? 

We weren't entirely sure of the way to York Beach in Maine, so we decided to find it the old fashioned way. A map and no talking navigation lady. We decided to avoid the highway and only take the back country roads, I may adopt that policy more often! Talk about experiencing things you wouldn't had you taken the fast, quick, and easy way. 

Maine was a little moody that day with all her rain, wind, and grey skies -- but we watched from the edge of the beach in the warmth of our car while we ate our sandwiches, pita chips and hummus. Then we ventured out! Take a look and enjoy -- who had more fun, Justin or Niz? 

In case you hadn't noticed, I love to take 'feet-sies' (selfies? feetsies? footsies?). I think it's so cool to capture a moment seeing what the photographer sees looking down at their feet. Also, I apologize for blinding you with my extremely white feet, but when summer comes my feetsies won't be so starkly white! But hey, my sandals are cute and my toenails are actually nicely painted! Win-win! 

More pics coming soon! 
-- xoxo

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Disconnecting -- not an April Fool's joke!

Technology. You're pretty cool, but you also sorta suck (after typing that I'm just waiting for my computer to shut down in protest...). 

I'll be the first to admit that I'm addicted, connected at the hip, and disgustingly obsessed with my phone. I'm always. on. my. phone. But come on, it was made for that. Nowadays technology is being made so that you can do literally everything on one device. Pinterest, check the weather, email, texting, talking, FaceTiming, Facebook, Instagram, shopping, banking, dinner-planning, finding a good restaurant, looking up what the name of Pepe la Pew's girlfriend was (it was driving Justin and I crazy, we just couldn't think of it!), Pinterest, Pinterest... I feel like I'm forgetting something, did I say Pinterest? 

Sad, but true

Not to mention, I can't count the number of times I have used my phone as a decoy to avoid awkward situations like long silent elevator rides with one other person you don't know -- why don't I pretend to write an email? Or how about when you see someone walking towards you from a distance that you sorta know but don't really know but would be considered completely rude if you just walked by without acknowledging them at all (but what if they don't acknowledge you and you do that weird like smile, half wave just to realize they are ignoring you..) -- why don't I just pretend that someone just called me and am now in the middle of an enthralling conversation! "Sorry I didn't see you, I was caught up in the exciting news my friend just called me with!" 

Technology has made us awkward. It's weird how it has made us so incredibly advanced in some ways, but in other ways it has made cavemen look like they have more social skills than us. That's just plain awkward

Well, I don't want to be awkward anymore. Everyone that actually knows me and my phone habits are going to start laughing uncontrollably when I say this next part (they won't buy it for a second, but I'll show them...), I am going to slowly wean off of my technology. Not completely, but just to a lesser level of dependence than I have right now. I have noticed lately that a lot of other bloggers I follow have been making rules about their technology usage and it has inspired me. In fact, the other day I turned off my phone completely for a little while. I mean, it was only an hour, but hey, at least I was disconnected for a little while. Baby steps. 

So maybe choose a day or a part of a day and don't use any technology. Don't Instagram on Sundays. I don't know, I'm still trying to figure out my game plan. I want to learn how to be able to just sit and do absolutely nothing for a period of time. I realized I had a problem too when my mom would call and ask what I was doing. I'd reply with, "Oh nothing, just got home so I'm just sitting on my bed." That's a complete lie, even though I felt like I was doing nothing. I was simultaneously on my phone, on my computer, the TV was on, and I knew Justin would be calling shortly to FaceTime. That's not nothing. That's a whole lot of something. 

This leads me to the whole reason I started writing this post. Justin. Justin's all about quality time and making the most of the moments we have together. He's a huge part of why I vow to make a difference in my phone addiction. He's the one who always calls me out on it. 

I thought this was hysterical and actually so adorably cute and romantic
Justin and I have made rules about phones in our relationship. We have a long distance relationship now that he lives in New Hampshire so our phones are pretty crucial to being able to talk every day and see each other every day. This is when I am so thankful for technology. But when we are actually together, the few times a month we actually get to be side-by-side, phones are an absolute no-no. At dinner, no way. Don't even think about taking that phone out. Both of our phones live inside of my purse while we are out and about. The only exception is to take pictures. But as soon as the pic is snapped, the phone goes away. No texting, no calling people, no scrolling through your Instagram feed. Nothing. And you know what? I. Love. It. I can feel that I am better concentrated on us and our conversations. I'm good at multitasking, but it really takes away from a little of whatever you are doing. I am so happy and thankful that Justin came up with this no phones rule, it means that he too is more interested in me than what's going on with the rest of the entire technology obsessed world at that moment. Try it. Completely disconnect, if not for you, for the one you love while you are together. Learn your loved ones faces, expressions, and funny little quirks by actually seeing them with your own two eyes. Not by the pictures of them on Instagram, their comments on Facebook, or their videos on Vine. Live in real time. 

In honor of bashing technology a bit, I decided to share one more thing I love that requires no technology at all. Snail mail. I love sending mail. I'm a bit of a handwriting, letter-opening, greeting card-buying, pretty stamp-finding, plain. old. freak. I'm ok with that. I actually love it. Because of it I have so many tangible memories throughout the past two years I've been with Justin, I have a better relationship with my Grandmother who now is my pen-pal, and I have the satisfaction that people love receiving mail from me. It's my thing. I'll never stop.

I created a round up a few of my favorite cards out there currently to share with you! Be funny, be mushy, be sincere. Or make your own!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11

Or if you find spending money on paper a little silly (it's not, but that's your opinon), why don't you just make your own? If you follow me on Instagram you'll probably remember when I shared the envelopes I made. Being homemade, they add an even higher amount of "I love you"-ness to the letter. 

Wanna be pen-pals too? 

Oh, I thought of something for you! How about you vow to only use your technology to read this blog! That's a brilliant idea! 

-- xoxo 
Meet Me in Gramercy © 2013.

Design by The Blog Boat