Thursday, May 8, 2014

Baxter & Bailey

I'm having a bit of an identity crisis. My mind has been exploding with ideas and designs and down-right awesome awesomeness! However, all of that has stumped me a little bit. I started Meet Me in Gramercy when I moved to Gramercy -- makes sense. But as I sit here in my little seemingly empty apartment with bare walls and boxes piled high in the corner, it feels a little wrong to be 'Meet Me in Gramercy'. Do I become 'Meet Me in Rittenhouse Square (just for the summer)'... no, that's silly. So what to do!?

Let me add another dynamic to the mix. For awhile I have been doing freelance handlettering/modern calligraphy and graphic design work. Ever since I designed a single issue of a fashion magazine for my senior project in high school, I have sorta been in love with design. Any sort of design. Graphic, typography, yadda, yadda, yadda. However, I've never had a name to put to my work. So, I decided it was time. Time for me to have a name! Calling myself 'Molly Silsby -- Handlettering and Graphic Design' lacked a certain personality that I was looking for. So I thought, and I thought, and I thought some more. I thought about all the things that I truly, truly love in this world. The places I find the most inspiration. The people (and furry creatures) I hold closest to my heart. I also thought about how I would want to be perceived in the public eye. With all these things in mind I opened a brand new blank document, a clean slate, in InDesign and began playing around with fonts, words, and arrangements of the two. This is how Baxter & Bailey came to be. The moment I typed them out and added my absolute favorite character, the beautifully curvaceous ampersand, I fell in love. Baxter & Bailey. It was perfect.

So now that I had my business name all settled, I built it its very own website where all of my designs could live happily. But what to do about my blog? I love blogging. I don't want to give it up just because a silly identity has stumped me. I thought, I thought, I thought again (lots of thinking I've been doing!), I realized the thing that was originally bothering me about having a freelance business and no name was that I was not one single identity. If I thought of another blog name and had Baxter & Bailey as my business I'd be right back to where I started -- an identity crisis. 

So, ultimately I have decided to morph the two together. As much as Meet Me in Gramercy has been my little baby for the past few months, it is time to become one. I want my work, my writings, my pictures to all be one big happy family -- and one big happy family they will be as Baxter & Bailey! 

With that being said, I will most likely not be posting to this blog any more. I don't really want to undo everything that's been done. Meet Me in Gramercy will always be Meet Me in Gramercy. Instead, I will be posting to a new blog space that is connected with my actual website, I will still post to my different social media accounts just as I have been for Meet Me in Gramercy, so you'll never miss a post! Sound good? I think so too!

-- xoxo

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