Thursday, April 17, 2014

Moody Maine | NH Part One

It's Spring Break! Fit snug in between cuddle sessions with little baby Bax in PA, I snuck away for a few days to New Hampshire to go see my other favorite four-legged boy and his two-legged daddy (also a favorite boy of mine). 

I'm breaking my pictures into a few posts since there are so many and I don't want anything to be missed! Plus, each day we went somewhere and did something completely different than the next, so respective posts are a must. 

Not exactly in order, I wanted to start with my York Beach pictures. Tuesday Justin had off from work so we decided to take a drive to the coast and check out the beaches. Niz goes nuts and loves to run down the open stretches of sand, so we all piled in the car, picked up a picnic lunch on the way, and unfortunately a few rain drops too. Luckily none of us had anyone to impress so what's a little frizzy hair and streaky mascara (that might have been only me... oh well)!? 

We weren't entirely sure of the way to York Beach in Maine, so we decided to find it the old fashioned way. A map and no talking navigation lady. We decided to avoid the highway and only take the back country roads, I may adopt that policy more often! Talk about experiencing things you wouldn't had you taken the fast, quick, and easy way. 

Maine was a little moody that day with all her rain, wind, and grey skies -- but we watched from the edge of the beach in the warmth of our car while we ate our sandwiches, pita chips and hummus. Then we ventured out! Take a look and enjoy -- who had more fun, Justin or Niz? 

In case you hadn't noticed, I love to take 'feet-sies' (selfies? feetsies? footsies?). I think it's so cool to capture a moment seeing what the photographer sees looking down at their feet. Also, I apologize for blinding you with my extremely white feet, but when summer comes my feetsies won't be so starkly white! But hey, my sandals are cute and my toenails are actually nicely painted! Win-win! 

More pics coming soon! 
-- xoxo

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