Monday, February 24, 2014


Terrain. Where to begin? How about the first time I ever set foot into that magical place...

The day before my interview, Mom and I drove to Glen Mills, PA to scope out one of the two Terrain locations -- the other is in Westport, Connecticut. 

[Side note: I don't mean to sound like a total complete nerd during this entire post, but I think if you are passionate about anything, even the silliest, littlest thing, you'll understand why I get so giddy. It has always been my dream to pursue a career I was passionate about. I toyed with the idea of becoming a teacher, an advertiser, a dentist with my office housed in a limousine (clearly THAT one was from a while ago), but nothing made my heart skip a beat. I'd sit and watch HGTV, read HouseBeautiful, and prefer to buy decor for my room than clothes for myself -- call me crazy, but I think those are just a few of the many signs that pointed me towards the Home Products industry. Actually just this morning I really stopped to think about how thankful and blessed I am to be chasing a life and a career that I love with my whole heart. This dawned on me when I was scrolling through Instagram and saw a post from a favorite blogger, Elsie Larson of A Beautiful Mess. It was just a selfie of her smiling with the caption, "Woke up excited to go to work. Best feeling ever. #idonthatemondays". I don't want to hate Mondays, Tuesdays, or Wednesdays through Fridays either. So maybe this Terrain internship is a step in that direction. ] -- end to an entirely too long side note. 

I could sit here and try to paint an accurate picture with words of how beautiful and creative the entire space is. Or... I could just show you. I think we would both prefer the latter. However, it needs a bit of prefacing before I send you loose to galavant through these beauteous snapshots below. Terrain is not only a retail location selling home goods and decor (dining, kitchen, bath, garden, accessories, you name it...), they also offer landscaping services, is an event space and venue for parties and weddings, has the yummiest cafe, and also has its own greenhouse if you don't want to take advantage of the landscaping services.. just do it yourself! Therefore, with all of these different aspects of the brand, Terrain has created a one stop shopping compound for all of your home, garden, and party desires! Check it out, I hope you love it! We stopped by right after Christmas, so the store was still a bit Christmasy... enjoy!

These three photos above are to the left and right of the main entrance of the store -- which by the way is a massive greenhouse. This front room really captures you in all senses. Literally love at first sight. Just do me a favor and take note of all the different materials, textures, shades of colors, and uses of light in the entire space. It really is captivating. 

This is one of the little buildings on the property. How irresistibly cute is it?

You want to build a terrarium? Okay, here is literally everything you will need. 

See what I mean? Large steel windows, wood paneling,  glass ceilings, brick and stone flooring.... siiiiiiiiigh.

How cute is my Momma? She and I had a delicious lunch at Styer's Garden Cafe.
They gave us freshly baked bread in a pot. I mean COME ON! Seriously? How perfect and delicious!

These are just a few of the photos I got while at Terrain. I'm pretty sure they could do inventory just by going through my photo roll. "Oooh, look at that pretty vase!" *snapped a picture* "Oooh, look at that pretty cake stand!" *snapped a picture* "Oooh, look at that pretty bottle of hand lotion!" *snapped a picture* ... you get my point, and yes, you're welcome for filtering the pictures I shared. But if you ever drop by I'd be more than happy to go through them with you! HA... now you'll never come over. 

Since it was a pretty dreary and grey day outside, I wasn't able to capture the essence of the entire property for you. However you can check out Terrain's blog, website, and each location's services for more stunning photos. 

But just in case you decide to not go exploring, I want to make sure you see this picture of a wedding at Terrain. And this, at the very end of the post, is where I do my usually fainting or dying over prettiness. 

Her dress by the way was sold at BHLDN, you should really check that site out too!

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