Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I just want to drink coffee, create stuff, & sleep

I'm writing to you in between hysteria fits. So while I'm calm and trying not to think about it, I'm going to give you some quality advice. You know how they say you really shouldn't let your dogs jump off of beds, sofas, chairs, or any other furniture you may let your pets climb onto? Yeah, it's bad for their joints, especially as they get older. Well, apparently the same goes for MacBook Pros. Who would've thought? It's obviously, I mean I figured it out firsthand last night, REALLY bad for them. Next time my laptop (if the Apple Store can revive it!!) goes to jump off my bed I'll quickly grab it and place it on the floor. That will be way better for its joints I'm thinking. Anyway, you should probably follow my example and lower both your pets and computers to the floor, don't let them jump.

I was going to do a fun DIY project today to share, but since I'll be carting my laptop down to the Apple Store near Chelsea Market, I'm not going to have time today. However, I do have a lot of tricks in my bag so I have a little chalkboard fun to share with you. Since Valentine's Day and my birthday are both over (hang on, that just brought on another hysterical moment for me), it was time to change up the chalkboard in my apartment. It's basically my life's motto, meaning, and purpose.

I added some light green, blue, and pink pillows to the bed to freshen things up. Is it Spring yet?

Here's a little update. I started this post before I schlepped my computer all the way to the Apple Store. Unfortunately the doctor gave me some pretty bad news. My computer bit the dust. I then went and stood in line at an authorized Apple service something-or-other place and they gave me the lovely news that my hard-drive (AKA my LIFE!) was still in good condition. However, I needed to give up my bank account (forever), my computer (for a week), and my sanity (did I ever really have that?) to hopefully get some good news in a few days from Apple. Ooph. 

Anyway, valuable lessons have been learned. This whole escapade did give me the chance to meet my best roommate ever, Jacqueline, for lunch at Chelsea Market and allowed me to discover there is a Paper Source store right across the street! Who knew?! 

The posts may be few and far between until I can get back in business here, but I'm hoping that isn't the case. But PLEASE remember to never let your computer jump off your bed. It's not worth it. 


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