Friday, March 7, 2014

Want to live here with me?

Hi, I'm addicted to HGTV, furniture stores, and the home decor category of Pinterest. I admit I have a problem, but no, I don't want help. Instead I want to share it with you. I'm sorry if you fall prey to this highly addictive part of my life, but I can assure you, you will be in good company! 

Raw. Rustic. Pure. Natural. Earthy. Homey. Simple. Handmade. Collected. Those words, in that order, with the pauses indicated by the periods, is what I want to go through your head when you walk into my future home. Lots of girls live for their wedding day or for the day they meet Prince Charming or the day their favorite shoes are on sale, but I live for the day I walk into a home (in my price range and that won't break my bank!) and get that feeling that it is home. It can be horribly ugly when I first move in, I don't mind, in fact I would PREFER it that way. I want to slave away weekend after weekend, night after night, and make that place MY home. So as I daydream about the day I can do that, I put together a couple little inspiration boards to give you a peek inside my mind (or part of it). Enjoy!

Excuse me while I curl up and live inside this virtual, pretend home. If you need me for anything, you know where to find me. 

-- xoxo
*none of the above image belong to me, but they can be found on my Pinterest!

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