Tuesday, February 11, 2014

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy!


Doesn't it seem like it's easier to realize the things in your life that aren't going right or that just aren't panning out how you imagined? How easy is it to get sucked into your self-pity, self-wallowing, and personal struggles? My past couple weeks have been a roller coaster. Highs and lows, coming as quickly as they go. However, as I found myself being sucked into that pity party for one, I realized that parties are much more fun when you share them with the ones you love and when the focus is on all of the beautiful reasons there are to be happy. There's so many.

I have family who are my greatest friends and friends who are more like family. 

I am healthy. My body is capable of amazing things. I have two legs that can run, two eyes that can see, and a mouth that can smile pretty darn big. 

Things like long, flowly maxi dresses, vintage flea markets, and a good pair of sunglasses actually exist.

No matter what happens throughout my day, I know that the sun will still shine and the world will keep turning. Everything is part of plan, even though not being able to see the entirety of the plan all at once can be the most frustrating thing.

Anything pumpkin flavored. And pancakes.

I have the knowledge that Comic Sans is not an appropriate font to use. Unless you're two, which in that case you probably aren't typing anything on the computer anyway. Die Comic Sans, die.

I just celebrated my 21st birthday and did not suffer an excruciating hangover the next day... but still had the greatest night ever!

The idea of forgiveness. Real, genuine forgiveness. 

I've been blessed with opportunities and 'big breaks'. Received an acceptance letter into the program of my dreams and an offer letter for an internship I'm beyond excited to start. 

I've met people who have hurt me, shaped me, taught me, guided me, angered me, loved me. A lesson was taken from each one, a lesson that will only help me figure out who exactly I want to be as a person. 

I'm not allergic to peanuts. I don't really think that needs a further explanation. (Allergy = no peanut butter! *gasp*) 

I've been blessed with two perfect puppies in my lifetime. Both of which like(d) to sleep as much as me. Soul mates?

No matter what hate, sorrow, or pain fills my life, I know that there are mountain tops in this world that are peaceful, quiet, and the most beautiful places on Earth. Up there it feels as if no one could be sad. 

Kickboxing classes. You get to punch and kick, but are never sent to your room.


Really smooth pens. 

The chance to rekindle old friendships and pick up, living like you never stopped being best friends in the first place.

That perfect pair of jeans. That perfect pair of leather riding boots. On the most perfect fall day. 

Peonies. Poppies. Lavendar. 

The promise of Jesus Christ, his Heavenly Father, and a life after this one. 

As I keep going it's clear this list could literally go on and on and on and on and on. How thankful that makes me feel to know I have so many reasons to be happy. To be honest, if I listed all of them the percentage of people who actually stick around til the end of the post would most definitely be in the single digits. It also makes me realize that the few problems in my life, problems I could literally count on one hand, should in no circumstance be able to outweigh the endless list of happiness in my life.

Sorry for the rather bland post today. After a fun and eventful birthday weekend (a snapshot of that below!), I didn't have much time to plan something mind-blowing. I'm saving that for Thursday.

Have a beautiful week. Xoxo

P.S. I want to wish my beautiful God-mother a happy, happy birthday today! Hope you have a day as fantastic as you, Aunt Col!


  1. love you mol! This was not a bland post, but the most spectacular, just like you!<3


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