Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall, Baxter, Fall -- no rhyme or reason

This past weekend I left the city and went home to my parent's house for a nice relaxing weekend. Fall is really starting to make its presence known through the brightly colored leaves, crisp chill in the air, and THAT smell. I'm not talking about the smell of pumpkin bread baking, apple-ly candles burning (or how about my new favorite, Pumpkin Souffle found at Anthropologie! Don't even get me started. It basically deserves a post all its own!), or cinnamon pine cones sitting on the dining or coffee table-- I'm talking about the natural smell of fall. The smell of fall probably ranks as my number one favorite, but you can be sure that the smell right before it's about to rain is all sorts of therapeutic, so that definitely comes in as number two. Speaking of rain, I thought that it was going to throw off all of my plans of pure fall laziness with its threatening forecast, but luckily it held off and rained over night. All in all, a good weekend!

However, the highlight of my trip home was nothing weather related. On Friday when I finally arrived home, I climbed back into the car with my mom and went to meet our new puppy! Baxter, as we named him, came from a rescue not far from our house. He is a six pound Shihnese puppy (Shih Tzu-Pekingese mix), has the shortest most adorable puppy legs you'll ever see, and is the sweetest boy. Even someone who resisted the idea of Baxter for the longest time was found talking to, holding, and napping with Baxter cradled in his arm (cough, DAD, cough). Little Baxter has definitely stolen our hearts. One afternoon I took him outside and had a little photo shoot with an actual real camera (what, no iPhone?!). I am going to post those pictures soon. Just a little hint, this baby boy has got some serious model behavior going on! Stay tuned for that and prepare to fall in love.

Here's an extremely poor quality sneak peak of the little lover boy!

Jumping back to fall and to a completely separate topic -- one of the reasons I was so inspired to start a blog of my own was because of the amazing blogs I follow daily. Today as I did my habitual reading, one of my absolute favorites posted her list of plans, goals, and hopes for this fall. I totally loved it and decided to give it a go myself. Without further adieu (courtesy of Miss James from Bleubird), the things going on and that I hope to do while my favorite time of year is here! 

Eating / Since going vegan, I have made it my mission to find a fix for my Ritter's cinnamon sugar apple cider donut obsession -- these may be the answer! 
Drinking / I will never give up my obsession for Pumpkin Caramel Dunkin Donuts coffees. I may or may not be drinking one as I type (... I am). 
Practicing / Serious self-control and being ok with saying no once in a while
Mastering / Balancing. School, work, blogging, and personal activities
Learning / Patience and how to love myself for me 
Playing / This. On repeat. 
Making / Anything on I've pinned on my Crafty Pinterest board. I honestly don't know where I want to begin. But how good would these classy white pom-pom pumpkins be for a minimalist fall decoration? First DIY on the blog? 
Reading / Love Walked In by Marisa de los Santos (my mom's personal favorite so it has to be good!)
Walking / I usually workout at the gym next door to my apartment building, but maybe I'll take advantage while the weather is still nice and move my exercise outdoors. Up and down the East River perhaps? I just stumbled upon this awesome app and plan on taking advantage of it!
Wearing / Boots. Jeans. Sweaters. Scarves. The quintessential fall uniform! My favorite. 
Cooking / I had a cup of Autumn Squash soup for lunch today (it was chilly and windy, I needed something to cozy me up), it was literally fall in a bowl. I want to recreate it from scratch! Anyone want to come for dinner?
Working / Between school and work it seems like there is never enough time in the day, so I want to 'work' on taking advantage of my actual free-time and do things that make me happy. 
Traveling / A much anticipated trip is already planned and ready to go! The days are winding down before my boyfriend Justin and I (and the four-legged boy too!) head up to New Hampshire in the White Mountains to visit J's family. I am excited to meet everyone! 
Wanting / ... to spend my entire paycheck at the Union Square Farmer's Market on mums, pumpkins, vegan blueberry thyme muffins, fresh herbs, and the freshest produce on produce on produce. But how will I carry it all home?! Where there's a will, there's a way. 

In other words... welcome Fall! I can't wait to enjoy every last moment of this beautiful season. 


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